The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality

Our subconscious mind is amazing and, more than we possibly realize can say a lot about our personalities. Our subconscious mind, experts believe, is like a storage unit that houses all your likes and dislikes, values and fears, memories and talents, founded on all you’ve seen and learned, even though you don’t recall it. The fascinating thing is that it relates directly to our conscious actions, and your eyes see the whole picture in this case, but your brain first selects what is relative to you personally.

Which animal did you see first?

The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

If it’s the stallion that you see first, then you’re likely an ambitious person. You’re wild, free, and raw, and you’re always driven to succeed. For you, it’s all about being able to do things according to your will. Interestingly, you never shy from a day’s work and you’re definitely not the person to back out from a fight. You’re honest and driven.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

If what you saw first was a butterfly that means that you’re an adaptable person, who doesn’t mind change. You are used to living a flexible lifestyle, and you easily adapt to any changes that might occur on the way. What you care about the most is getting things done, and you’re prepared to do anything to achieve your goal.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

Seeing the eagle first means having the traits of a wild and free person. Think of yourself as one of the ultimate predators in all of nature. You’re focused and determined. You’re always driven towards what you want and what you dream of. When it comes to decision-making, you rarely waver. And once you’re eyes are set on something, you’ll always do your best to achieve it.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)

Praying mantis

The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

You are a master of patience and tolerance. Your instincts are great and you have an inner voice that helps guide you on your path. This means that you are closely connected to your primal self, and you use your gut to tell you what’s right or wrong. Your fighting spirit gives you the energy and strength you need to master life.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

If you saw the dog first you are considered protective, selfless, and brave. People who have these primary traits are usually rare to come across. You love with every ounce of your being and experience joy more intensely than most people. Everyone who gets to know you cherishes you and loves you.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

If you first saw the crab it means that you are a very stubborn person. You put up walls around you to protect your overly-sensitive nature. This is why you sometimes come across as abrasive and harsh. Also, you don’t want to leave your comfort zone because you don’t like changes.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

You’re a fearless and fierce person that always stands out in a crowd. You live an exhilarating, yet sometimes lonely life, but you handle it well. You are not afraid to speak your mind and rarely do you change your opinion to fit others’.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

This messenger of peace is pure, beautiful, and gentle. But little is spoken about the exceptional strength these gorgeous birds carry, which enables them to migrate miles across the sky, sometimes even to neighboring countries. If a dove grabbed your attention first, you are likely to be a calm and dignified person on the outside, but carry a strength that can get you through the coldest of times. You are wise and invest your energy in building a family or community. You refuse to squabble or let small things upset you as you meant to sail smoothly through the blue sky.

(Check out the other animals in the next pages)


The Animal You Spot First Says a Lot About Your Personality - In2Vortex

If what you first saw was a rooster that means that you’re good at perseverance. We all know that roosters are quite fierce and smart creatures. You are quick on your feet, and you never hesitate to act and fight back, when you feel you’ve been wronged.

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