Abraham Hicks Videos, Abraham Hicks In2Vortex (Abraham Hicks -No Ads- Skyrocket Your Good Vibes!)

Abraham Hicks -No Ads- Skyrocket Your Good Vibes!

In this video, Abraham-Hicks discusses the power of focusing on the present moment and aligning with one’s inner being. It emphasizes the importance of forgetting past experiences and tuning into the vibrational essence of one’s desires. By staying in the receptive mode and allowing the universe to bring forth what is desired, one can experience ease, flow, and fulfillment in life.

Abraham Hicks discusses the unique qualities of humans compared to other species, emphasizing our ability to focus and decipher contrasting moments.

Abraham-Hicks encourages listeners to embrace their individuality and not compare themselves to others, emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment and accepting it as it is. The speaker also highlights the difference between asking and allowing, encouraging listeners to let go of striving and instead allow the universe to yield to their desires.

A listener shares her experience of amnesia and how she had blocked traumatic events from her memory but has since come to terms with them and embraced her past as part of her unique journey.

– The power of focusing on the present moment lies in the ability to align with one’s inner being and the vibrational essence of desires. By forgetting past experiences, one can tap into the leading edge of their vibrational essence and allow the universe to manifest their desires naturally.

– Staying on a subject and honing in on what matters allows for a deeper understanding and a real transformation in vibrational frequency. Regular gatherings and conversations can contribute to making a significant difference in one’s vibrational countenance.

– The power of now lies in making each moment emotionally good and accepting the present without the need for striving. By embracing the present moment, one can experience ease, flow, and the manifestation of desired experiences and outcomes.

– Tuning into the leading edge of one’s vibrational essence involves recognizing that the inner being is focused on the becoming and expansion of all that one is. By aligning with this perspective, one can let go of past identities and fully embody the magnificent results of their now.

– The ability to forget who one has been and focus on the present moment allows for a sense of worthiness, connection to source energy, and the experience of blessings and well-being. By tuning into joy and happiness, one can allow these qualities to radiate through every aspect of their being.

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