Abraham Hicks -No Ads- Let Go of the How and When, in2vortex.com

Abraham Hicks -No Ads- Let Go of the “How” and “When”

Abraham Hicks advocates for a unique approach to goal setting. Instead of actively setting and controlling goals, they suggest focusing on being in a receiving mode and trusting the process.

The issue arises when individuals become too fixated on the “how” and “when,” which can introduce uncertainty and disconnect them from their goals. The speakers encourage letting go of resistance to goals and focusing on feelings of satisfaction and enthusiasm to align with one’s inner being and accelerate manifestation.

They also introduce affirmation cards to help individuals affirm their desires from a place of alignment, but caution against using them from a place of lack or need. The key takeaway is that trusting the process and focusing on feelings of satisfaction are essential for allowing goals to unfold naturally.

 – In this section of the Abraham Hicks clip, the concept of goal setting is discussed from a unique perspective. The speaker suggests that instead of actively setting goals in the traditional sense, individuals should focus on being in a receiving mode. The goals have already been set, according to the speaker, and are in the process of manifesting. The issue arises when people become too fixated on the “how” and “when” of their goals, introducing uncertainty and losing connection to them. The speaker encourages individuals to trust the process and let go of the need to control the outcome, allowing the goals to unfold naturally.

– Abraham Hicks,” the speakers emphasize the importance of being in alignment with one’s inner being to manifest desires. They explain that focusing too much on the “how” and “when” of achieving goals can prevent their manifestation as it keeps one rooted in the present reality, which is “way too compelling.” Instead, they suggest quieting the mind and practicing the vibration of what one wants to allow more of it into one’s life. The speakers also introduce the concept of affirmation cards, which are meant to help individuals affirm from a place of alignment and increase their momentum toward their desires. However, if one uses these cards from a place of lack or need, they may find them annoying instead of helpful.

– In this section of the video, Abraham Hicks emphasizes the importance of letting go of resistance to goals rather than abandoning them altogether. The speaker encourages individuals to focus on the satisfaction and enthusiasm that comes from thinking about their goals and feeling good about them. By doing so, they join their inner being’s perspective and accelerate the manifestation process. The speaker also explains that the specific details put into the universe will eventually weave themselves into the satisfaction one experiences as the goals unfold. The key takeaway is that focusing on feelings of satisfaction and allowing the universe to deliver specific goods is essential for a fulfilling life.

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