Abraham Hicks 2024 -NO ADS- Your Inner Being is constantly talking to you, in2vortex.com

Abraham Hicks 2024 -NO ADS- Your Inner Being is constantly talking to you

Abraham-Hicks discusses the importance of being specific and aligned with Source energy. It encourages not doubting oneself and making choices when in alignment.


  • [0:45] 🎯 Being specific and aligned with Source energy leads to faster manifestation.
  • [1:30] πŸ€” Doubting oneself is unnecessary as Source has a better vantage point.
  • [3:15] βš–οΈ Alignment brings certainty and clarity to decision-making.
  • [5:10] 🌟 Tuning into one’s inner guidance is essential before taking action.
  • [7:20] 🌈 Mixing with contrasting experiences allows for expansion and growth.
  • [10:05] 😊 Following joy and feeling good is the primary intention for fulfillment.
  • [14:50] πŸ”‘ The key is to listen to inner nudges and be in the receptive mode.


  • [1] 🧲 Being specific and aligned with Source energy leads to faster manifestation and desired outcomes. Doubting oneself only hinders the process.
  • [2] 🀝 Mixing with contrasting experiences and people contributes to personal growth and expansion. It is through these interactions that we learn and evolve.
  • [3] πŸ’‘ Alignment and clarity are essential in decision-making. Waiting for inner guidance and certainty before taking action ensures the best outcomes.
  • [4] 🌟 Following joy and feeling good should be the primary intention for a fulfilled life. Serving others is valuable, but prioritizing personal happiness is crucial.
  • [5] 🌈 Being open to different experiences and perspectives allows for a broader understanding and contributes to personal and collective growth.
  • [6] πŸš€ Trusting and listening to one’s inner guidance leads to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Tuning into intuition and following inspired action brings about desired outcomes.
  • [7] 🌟 The key to a joyful and fulfilling life is to be in the receptive mode and listen to inner nudges. Being aware of the signals from Source energy leads to a more aligned and satisfying existence.

All Abraham-Hicks audio materials are copyrighted by Esther Hicks and we are sharing these following the USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL GUIDELINES: /Β abrahamhicksΒ 

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