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How To Make Your Dreams Reality. Tony Robbins – Law Of Attraction

How To Make Your Dreams Reality. Tony Robbins - Law Of Attraction

Tony Robbins – Law Of Attraction Coaching


Tony Robbins is the world-famous legendary self-improvement guru responsible for improving the lives of millions. When people think of self-help, they think of Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins has established himself as a leader when it comes to motivational speaking and success. Most in the industry consider Tony an entry-level coach, but nevertheless a very important one. His teachings are primarily about increasing your personal power through positive thinking and hard work. While he does teach the Law of Attraction, it’s not something he leads out of the gate with.


The Law is a higher-level concept that most beginners can’t wrap their minds around, but Tony has a way to break it down in simple terms that anyone can understand.

Tony has written many best-selling books including my personal favorite Awaken the Giant Within How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Financial Destiny.

This powerful book is the perfect way to get your feet wet in the self-improvement community. The first thing we need is motivation, and Awaken the Giant Within will give you the motivation you need. In this book, he covers a variety of useful exercises and ideas that will help you grow as a person.

I (Seth) was introduced to Anthony Robbins just after I moved back home after college to my small hometown. Instantly, I found myself surrounded by people content with simply getting by.

Naturally, I have always been somewhat of an overachiever with a firm sense that time is limited, and it must be spent wisely.

I remember looking online to find inspiration when I ran into a speech by Mr. Robbins. I distinctly remember he has a certain excitement about him that you don’t see in average people.

Initially, I was drawn to his high energy and his message of kinship with fellow dreams like myself.

I was never an early morning person, by Tony motivated me to start waking up at 6 am every weekday to go on a few-mile jog.

At the time, I felt as if he was talking directly to me and that we were on similar paths.

Once I completed the final chapter I would start the book over, listening to the same lines over and over, but still learning something new each time.

His words were so profound, and so deep to me at the time, it literally change my life for the better.

As I’ve evolved as a person I find most of the concepts he talks about almost passé due to the fact that I practice most every day of my life.


Looking back at my life I realize how far I have come with the help of personal development, and I can clearly see Tony was the beginning point of my growth. While I don’t listen to Mr. Robbins anymore, the ideas and concepts he has shared with me will live on forever.



Now Matt has a little different story from Tony. He started off 18 years ago in personal development with Tony’s Personal Power on tape. “It was my first taste of personal development outside of books and I was hooked!”

He was at one point involved with a multilevel marketing business and the coaches and trainers would go to Tony to get their wisdom.

Naturally why not just go straight to the source? After the first tapes, Matt bought everything he could get his hands on that was Tony’s. “The Edge” was new back then and truly was said to have changed his life. “I listened to The Edge at least 100 times,” Matt says. “Tony just had the answers to what I knew was another level in life.”

Matt even went as far as to take personal coaching through Tony Robbins which in his opinion was ok. “They were ok for coaches, but compared to Bob Proctor, they couldn’t hold a candle in my opinion. ” “Don’t get me wrong as I love Tony as he got me started on the path I am on now!” Matt says.

Matt says that he has it on his iPod and would listen to it a few dozen times.

He also goes into what he does to make those goals real and come to fruition. Matt can’t say enough about it!

Tony really is on another level as he works with some of the world’s biggest leaders in times of crisis. We hear about a few of them, but a lot is private. He calls himself “the why guy” not a “motivational speaker”. We, people, need answers, they go to him. He did a really great Ted talk that I will put below:


Tony is really the most elite and best-known teacher of personal development or self-help.

Aero smith had openly stated that “Unlimited Power” was a book that changed their lives and was in Steven Tyler’s top 2 books of all time. If someone is just starting off in the field, I would start them off with Tony as he can be understood and liked by so many.

He can grab and captivate you like no other.

I can’t personally thank Tony enough for my success in life. We would love to hear your stories of success with Tony as well so please share them.



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