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Abraham Hicks 2024 -No Ads- A Great Advice that solves all your Issues

Abraham Hicks focuses on the affirmation that “everything is always working out” and encourages trust in one’s well-being. It emphasizes the importance of feeling good, being in alignment with one’s true self, and spreading joy to others.


  • 00:00 😊 The script starts with the affirmation that “everything is always working out for me” and encourages belief in this statement.
  • 01:20 🌟 It emphasizes the desire to have confidence, good timing, and a sense of guidance in life.
  • 03:45 🤝 The script expresses the intention of being an uplifter and benefiting others through positive interactions.
  • 06:10 😌 It highlights the importance of self-acceptance and trust in the law of attraction.
  • 08:30 💡 The script mentions the desire to know one’s own value and help others recognize their worth.
  • 11:15 🌍 It expresses the desire for a better world where people feel good and conflicts are resolved peacefully.
  • 14:40 🌈 The script encourages embracing contrast as an opportunity for growth and maintaining a positive perspective.


  • 😊 The script promotes a positive mindset and the belief that things are always working out, leading to a sense of trust in one’s own well-being.
  • 🌟 It emphasizes the importance of clarity, confidence, and alignment with one’s true self in order to navigate life with ease and joy.
  • 🤝 The script highlights the power of uplifting others and aiming to benefit everyone through positive interactions and spreading joy.
  • 😌 It advocates for self-acceptance and forgiveness, recognizing that everyone has ups and downs but ultimately trusting in the flow of life.
  • 💡 The script encourages self-discovery and understanding one’s own value, as well as helping others recognize their worth and potential.
  • 🌍 It promotes the vision of a harmonious world where people feel good, conflicts are resolved peacefully, and everyone’s needs are met.
  • 🌈 The script suggests embracing contrast as an opportunity for growth and learning, and maintaining a positive perspective even in challenging times.
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